About the Author
At the first cutting light of August, many years ago, the world got the first glimpse of the entity known henceforth as
Leon Yip. It decided to douse the aforesaid with sunshine, sweets, and loads of love.
Legend has it, so convicting were his words, that upon his request, the world agreed to revolve around him, forever, and ever, and ever.
Posted on: Thursday, April 10, 2008
Posted at: 11:08 PM
Okay. Counting that I have been saying that I've been, and will be extremely busy the next couple of weeks, especially next week, due to the senior's TSD prelims, which I am actually quite thrilled to be a part of.
So as I was saying, TSD and Student's Council stuff has really been taking up all my time. I reach home earliest at 10.30pm these couple of weeks. Don't take this wrongly, I'm not complaining. I'm having a whale of a time doing what I have come to love. Which is ACTING around, and basically just having as much fun as I can have, while growing my own personal skills. Yeahh. TSD has proven to be one of the best things in my life. Without it, sure, I'd have more time, but that time would just be spent on ECONS anyway, so yeah. Definitely made the right choice. Plus, the company at TSD, seniors and my same batch, priceless. Just brilliant people in their own unique way.
Council is gettting rather hectic too, I must say, with game seasons, match supports, investiture and other what-nots filling up whatever remainder time I have. Again, its both an honour and a privilege to be able to bask in the company with such able and caring and brilliant people. It really is. I may not be the leader, or even a leader amongst the leaders, but being part of the leading team, really makes me feel a sense of achievement. Awww.. Love you guys.
The only shame is that, I can't ever seem to make enough time to go for Debate regularly. I know I wouldn't get a chance to speak, but for me, the chance to observe and just pick up stuff is more than I could ask for. Especially when I'm surrounded by the most talented minds around me. Now, I can't even go and watch the first preliminary rounds of the Nationals. Awwwww...
Other than that, I almost have totally no time for anything else. Really sorry EZRA, no time for you guys in the next couple of weeks. If you guys even miss me, I'd really make it up to y'all after next week. Especially Paul. Happy belated birthday anyway haha.
Oh yeah, Liverpool won Arsenal 4-2 at Anfield, though the final score wasn't a true testament to the equality of the game. Yeah sure, Arsenal were slightly unlucky, but really, LIVERPOOL! YAY! I'm buzzing! ZzZzZ. Arsenal did play really well though, could have really gone either way. But, only in Europe man. Only in Europe, where the stage is set, for the stars to shine and smile upon Liverpool Football Club.
I really need sometime off stuff. To catch up on Maths, to catch up on friends, to catch up, period.