Posted on: Thursday, December 03, 2009
Posted at: 10:37 PM
I see I haven't been here for quite a while.
There hasn't reeeally been anything new to write about I guess, with the last A-level paper tmr, it's been studying twenty-four seven the past month or so.
Who am I kidding, I've spent the past 10 days going out, spending money lavishly (over extravagantly) and precipitously, wasting time, hanging out and just doing about the farthest thing away from studying.
And I don't regret it one bit, nuh-uh, no, not a single second had been wasted.
Well, more could have been done to salvage whatever was salvageable from TSD theory..
It's been a damn fine two years, wouldn't have done anything differently I think.
But since I kinda do, without any thinking, I wouldn't know how things would have worked out if I had actually thought through stuff now would I.
And I guess that's the beauty of life.
The mystery of ambiguity and the force of curiousity, powering through everything logical and rational.
Time well spent.
Posted on: Friday, November 06, 2009
Posted at: 1:19 AM
Dawn of a new era in my life? Probably.
We are who we are now because of who we were in the past. And by that logic, who we are now will dictate who we are in the future.
Past, present, future, I'm pretty sure we'd meet soon. And at that time, we'd have drinks and laugh over a warm crackling fire.
Change is in effect, because all good things, start with me.
Ends with me too.
Posted on: Sunday, October 18, 2009
Posted at: 12:03 PM
Haven't been able to pen my thoughts down (or rather, type, whatever)not because there hasn't been time. God knows that I've been spending too much time on unneccesary things instead of being a good student and studying.
But I've got a lot to say, but when it gets to saying things, something always gets in the way.
I guess as always, I'm just waiting for the perfect time. Holding back, holding back, tantalus-ing, and BAM, before I know it, all gone.
Sad isn't it.
Okay, reflection time.
The past 2 school years has really been characterised by well, the phrase 'that was close'. From rushing last moment to fulfil a stroke of theatric genius (I don't care what they say, I'm mega proud of my sudden inspiration without which I'd have been literally left with nothing) to ALMOST, but not quite (rather contrary actually), committing social suicide. Oh gosh, I believe that moment of stupidity, extreme irrationality and I must say, a real lack of planning, remains the single most haunting memory in JC life. Right Aloy (except of course Aloy, you do have many other moments to match it!! Like, the l-a-c-e-thing etc.)
But one thing, I must say, is that I don't regret any bit of it. NOt a chance, nuh-uh. My brother set me thinking the other day. What if I fell through the net, and did not return to the school and was instead left stranded in a hostile environment which (no offense to them) would definitely be unable to inspire my brilliant (okay, this is subjective) mind.
That was close.
No doubt, there would've been an extreme polarity between the person that I would have been nurtured to be. And I thank God, for 'moving mountains' and making miracles. Of course, the hard part is not letting everyone down. I cannot help but feel that the weight of more than a few big shot's rationality and perceptiveness rides on the back of my end results. So too the hopes for second chances for people in the same predicament as myself.
Gosh darn it, I'll miss the school, the people, the everything. I've been really fortunate, to be part of probably the two greatest institutions possible, which really taught me how to live and love, and love to live.
No regretzxz.
And right now, the clock ticks on, waiting, tantalizing, crafting, that one opportune, moment.
Posted on: Thursday, October 01, 2009
Posted at: 10:16 PM
Let's just get it started, this time,
all you've ever wanted, is in your arms,
just let it take you where you wanna go,
just let it tell you what you wanna know.mhmmmm
Posted on: Saturday, September 19, 2009
Posted at: 3:14 PM
And once I knew that there was a divergence in expectation, I knew they'd lost me. Oh well, it was a great journey in any case.
The Beatles.
Pick the odd one out.
Why, hello there...
Posted on: Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Posted at: 6:07 PM
'The night is darkest just before the dawn' - This still remains the definitive movie quote of the last two years in my opinion.
In all honesties, I really thought that I wasn't going to make it through the last couple of nights, but I'm more than content with the results, even though the black and white might not reflect that personal victory.
It's lighting up now, and I guess, despite the fact that I have 4 plays to start reading from absolute zilch, actually you know what, no, this is fucked.
Posted on: Saturday, September 05, 2009
Posted at: 7:50 PM
And so, it was with the aid of an extremely uncomfortable square sofa that resulted in that fragmented illusion of a dream, which made me realise thereafter.
Oh, it could have been just the greatest thing ever.
And so we beat on..