At The End Of The Day, All I'd Get From Them Is This Darn Hairline.
Posted on: Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Posted at: 8:44 PM
Why, hello there, annonymous readers whom I hope exist secretly. How've you been doing? Fine I presume, well, that's just perfect!
Life's sweet, and it can only get sweeter. Well of course some times things will taste sour and bitter, but the taste transits to its pure sweetness after awhile. And yes, I am being philosophical here, I've learnt to open my mind, and boy, has that paid dividends.
Now, what am I waiting for?
The thrill of the deal is real.
Move Over Inversion, Hail Reflection
Posted on: Sunday, July 26, 2009
Posted at: 12:09 PM
This has truly been a remarkable week, furbished with memories of Harry Potter, a crazy dash from the Fullerton to Clarke Quay and of course, a delightfully (boring for me as I was ushering) nostalgic 25th Anniversary dinner. Not that I'm complaining, but I guess I would have much rather have spent $50 sitting in the crowd than standing around hunting for macaroons and tiramisu shot glasses.
Sammy Lee waved at my brother and I, and Kenny Daglish gave us a thumb's up. Proof? Check Facebook really, a picture speaks a thousand words. So I guess there are about thirty-three thousand words being spoken there.
A funny thing happened to me a few moments ago, I was watching a Veronica Mars episode (Oooh, Bell is just too cute), a daily ritual where I watch one episode a day to just chill, and suddenly, the theme song seemed more pertinent than ever. There's a sense of relief really, that all that I've been worried about, has resolved itself.
And of course, if the commies know a thing about what's going on, they wouldn't have said all that and risk another Cold War of sorts right? I mean, I'm just saying.
Its okay, it seems I'm here to stay.
I Think Applause is in Order Here?
Posted on: Thursday, July 23, 2009
Posted at: 10:57 PM
Annnnnnnd suddenly, it struck me, everything that had been whizzing through my mega-awesome head of mine just fit into its place, and ka-pish, I have a thought...
Jeremy was right, for once. LOL
Magic, Carpet, Ride.
Posted on: Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Posted at: 9:15 PM
Woah, this week may actually turn out to be the most eventful week, ever! There's a quantum increase in energy running within me, and this refreshing perspective which has introduced me to new insights.
Monday, had definitely contained what has to have been one of the most traumatic experiences of my life, short of being heart-stopping and deathly embarrassing. Well actually, it was pretty darn embarrassing, but perhaps in a few days/weeks/months/years, we'd just be able to laugh it off as "one of those things we did in Junior College". The day just simply filled with a polarity of emotions, mentally and emotionally draining, but oh, it turned out fine!!
I kinda forgot Tuesday. Oh right, racial harmony day, our last ones ever as school children, a weak effort, no doubt due to the lack of time to coordinate a concerted effort at dolling ourselves up and immersing in the culture of the other non-chinese races. Oh, Mass Dance filming thingo, was quaint I guess, rather distracted, but given the circumstances, who could blame me? :D
Went cycling with my brother! :D of course, I used the lousy ass bike (oh, the woes of being the youngest) while he paraded his really beautiful fancy one! Worked those thunder thighs, and I remember them being insanely sore when I arrived home. Extremely satisfying though, that little work-out!
And came today, woke up to the raindrops spattering on my face and I couldn't resist the temptation of an extended snooze of about half an hour, late for school, but oh so worth it! Then after an extremely tiresome chain of lessons, due to the drowsiness induced by the weather, decided to skip out earlier to chill at home! Went for the thingo at the Nike shop with Conrad later on, and though I'm not a big basketball fan (by no means actually, it's just fun haha) I guess this is as big as it gets, really. Kobe Bryant, left me rather starstruck in the maze of lights which created a surreal atmosphere.
Well, the past few days have been dreamlike, to say the least. Soooooo darn tired now, I'm gonna sleep! Like, after I bathe of course, still, before 10pm. Oooh, isn't this unprecedented!
a brand new point of view.
Sliver shivers
Posted on: Monday, July 20, 2009
Posted at: 10:37 PM
For greater things have yet to come,
Greater things are still to be done in this city.
Thanks for everything, for being there when I felt no one was, for always showing me that little silver sliver of hope, for being the ubiquitous presence which made me feel that everything was lovely and brilliant.
Above all,
You're the peace to the restless.
Dearies, we've only JUST begun.
Posted on: Saturday, July 18, 2009
Posted at: 10:11 PM
What a week! :)
TSD praddicurs finally over, and I guess there wasn't any outburst of joyful emotion which I thought there would be, but rather, a gradual realisation that our hard work has culminated in our fine productions. A weight off the shoulders if anything.
Dinner with the class, supper with the guys, chalet with the TSD peeps, basketball with the guys, dinner with the guys, oh dear, an extremely brilliant weekend.
The month could only get better! :D
When my post title threatens to exceed the length of my post itself. Or maybe not, oh, we'd never know now will we.
Posted on: Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Posted at: 10:21 PM
You see, my once-upon-a-friend, this time, I'm not there to be the nagging nuisance gnawing away at your knowledge.
Hairy porters probably smell bad. Wouldn't trust them with the gates much.
Posted on: Monday, July 13, 2009
Posted at: 11:03 PM
And then it occured to me, that perhaps it wasn't my fault, and it hasn't been all this while. Possibly (oh, and this is VERY possibly), I just think too much of myself, and come to think about it, nothing had actually mattered at all.
That's when I started feeling sorry for myself. Oh, being so prone to my boundless imaginations and illusions of grandeur that I forget, that I'm just another small fish in a big pond. A frikkin' huge pond, for that matter.
A-levels, how quaint. I feel the need to excel in this, I'd like to assure everyone, that I do care enough about myself, to try preparing for my presentation once I hit the 'Publish' button. Try.
Otherwise, oh what-the-hell, I'll get on by. I always do. I think.
Oh, it's easier when I've got myself split and stored in seven entities. Like, whats-his-name and his horcruxes.
You know the funny thing about lepers?
Posted on: Sunday, July 12, 2009
Posted at: 11:53 PM
Trust me friends, when I say, coincidences do happen, believe it or not.
I guess the take home point is that of superficiality.
I mean, I have admitted that I am an extremely superficial person, and I'm not ashamed of that. Come on, honestly, at this age, nothing else really matters does it. We can search in vain for that deep underlying 'meaningful-ness' of at all within the volatile adolescent surroundings, but that does not conceal the fact that impressions matter, and impressions change as constantly in a heartbeat. I've been fussing over superficial things, taking most of what I see at face value, subject myself to trivalness. Why though?
Because I can, and because I don't want to slip faster and further into the quagmire of growing up, which means obligatory assumption of the responsibilities which I'm trying my best to shrug.
I'll fight it to the end, I swear, be as superficial as possible, as tit-for-tat, roll-eyes-when-irked, bitch-about-you-to-my-pals kinda superficial.
Of course, I do know, and I vigourously advocate the notion that 'everyone is inherently/fundamentally/generally/basically/essentially a nice person', but I'd let my surface value buy over my judgement.
Oh, of course this post is targeted at people. Why the hell else would I post it up?
'judge, smudge'
Breaking barriers, drowning derangement.
Posted on: Thursday, July 09, 2009
Posted at: 4:54 PM
Yeah, just when I've convinced myself to wipe my record clean, something just comes up and I feel like shit again.
Damn, you really know how to make me feel like the bad guy. Which makes me wonder, how many times I wasn't really there at all.
And this, is precisely why the bricks are piling up in front of me.
On hindsight, perhaps I don't really want my money back after all.
Posted on: Friday, July 03, 2009
Posted at: 10:50 PM
There's a wonder in 'most everything I see.
Oh,so I guess CTs are over for me. And I guess at the end of the day, I'd probably accept the results without complaint.
But now, bring on the TSD A-Level praddicur.
Yes, life's just one thing after the other, keeping me off my bum, and on my feet.
But you know what's keeping me off my feet and on my toes?
Oh, you don't find them, but it finds you when you least expect it, and hits you when you are least guarded. I'd choose to face it, fight back, and of course, I'd win. I just have to break down a couple of walls here and there.
Before that, please stay off the ground, I think I dropped my balls somewhere, don't step on them!
Belief, is no doubt a beautiful honour.
Posted on: Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Posted at: 9:44 AM
There are two things that I'm feeling pretty incredulous about.
Here's number one.
I overslept today (thus explaining why I'm at home, not in school), on the day of my early Common Test maths paper, which I am most definitely going to flunk. Apparently, I overslept my 6.00am alarm, and snoozed for 20 minute intervals between 7.15 and now. Sigh.
Oh, number two's better.
I can't believe that instead of studying and revising in a panicky manner, I'm actually blogging! :D
It's quite scary that I don't feel any like, urgency to start studying and getting my precious arse off to work. Oh, I just wanna enjoy life for all that it's worth. Now, I don't believe the 2012 theory, but still, our time on Earth is limited, and so we should live it to the fullest. Live first, work later!
Oh, and there's another unbelievable thing around..
load the stock lines, i'll ignite the cannon