Posted on: Sunday, November 16, 2008
Posted at: 11:54 PM
Ever since my last blog post, which, happens to be on Friday the fourteenth, where nothing extraordinarily unlucky should have happened (except perhaps my dad's birthday, but as for that being a lucky or unlucky occasion, I shall have my own reservations :P), I've been occasionally accessing my blogger account, really wanting to blog, on a couple of instances, even typing down stuff, but in all cases, not finding anything really worthwhile to say that would defect the common consensus that I'm "emo" right now.
Well, perhaps I was feeling down in the past month or so, but really, I wouldn't blame myself for that. No, I love myself too much to see any flaws in me. That's true.
Let's just say I went through an inner transformation within myself in this past month, one of those times in a lifetime where a person looks at himself and finally figures out what to do with the mess that's left. A baptism of fire, though I must say, the fire seemed to have been started by myself. I think I came through though. I feel more calm, more serene, less lame and less restless. Of course, people who have interacted with me in recent times may beg to differ, but these changes are felt on the inside, and I like the vibes which I emit to myself at this point of time.
All in all, I'm able to look at myself straight in the mirror, and tell myself that I'm the best guy in the world, ever, and thats all that matters.
Any ol' hell, the previous mentioned things are not meant to be what this post is about. As narcisistic and egoistic (yes, it is spelt this way) as I have become, this little public passage is not about me, its about another entity altogether. A force so powerful, that it makes half of the Earth's population tremble and sink to its knees. Yes, the force known to humans fondly as,
God created all men in his glorious image, as chauvinistic as the bible may be, it does not deny the fact that God's almighty image is also reflected in females. In them, he imparts the ability to give life and the natural instinct to sustain fragile newborn lives (although males do regulate this life-giving and provide supplements). You see, men can easily take away lives, lives which women painstakingly breed within themselves for nine months and through a painful process have it harvested from their own body. It's just not fair that this agonisingly long process can be reversed in an instant as quick as a gun shot. Women should all be granted palaces for their role in ensuring that we humans do not become extinct within the next two years.
Most importantly though, perhaps in a more familiar context, the vulnerability and innocence of girls, is worthy to be protected. And as guys, we are obliged to give such protection. Girls make us go crazy, yes, but, they make us feel emotions to them that guys should not harbour for each other. Maybe I'm speaking for myself, but they make me feel that all this crap about NS, about studying, about going through project work and chinese lessons, they make it all seem worth it. They're very presence gives us men the reason and justification to be rational, and they definitely make sure that there is not an overwhelming build-up of testosterone within a confinement.
The yin, and the yang. I don't know what the hell they each stand for, but I know that they come in hand in hand, and because of that, I have learnt to appreciate the company of girls, and appreciate even more, the company which girls have to offer.
Of gender equality, I think girl's are actually superior. I mean, a guy can understand another guy so easily, because we're all so stupid, but I don't think a guy can fully understand and analyse the way a girl thinks. The complexity of a female's thinking leaves one in awe of how the bagahajillion thoughts and evaluations can fit within the confines of a female brain. This is perhaps why MGS did better than ACS in our batches' O-level results I guess.
Love girls. Or at least, love girls which hold the sacred feminie qualities of innocence and purity. Love the girls who deserve to be loved, and fight to give them what they deserve. The best.
I'm not a feminist. Oh no, not by a long shot. I still think guys rule and girls drool, but really, I just like giving credit where credit is due.
After all, girls are just Guys In Really Lil' Shirts.
I think I'm losing it.
I think "hello" is a good start.