About the Author
At the first cutting light of August, many years ago, the world got the first glimpse of the entity known henceforth as
Leon Yip. It decided to douse the aforesaid with sunshine, sweets, and loads of love.
Legend has it, so convicting were his words, that upon his request, the world agreed to revolve around him, forever, and ever, and ever.
Life in the Fast Lane
Posted on: Friday, November 23, 2007
Posted at: 11:47 PM
gabriel and nathan really opened up my eyes. thanks guys. really appreciate it.
well, red camp was fun in the end, and i would at least, like to think that our group, in no order whatsoever, conrad, joel thong, nick , brandon and i, made some sort of impact to at least the APACHES. incorporating our LDP cheers and other stuff into the tribe's routine.
it has been a tiring couple of days, but i guess it has all been worthwhile.
by the end of the camp i pretty much had no mood to do anything whatsoever, so i just sat around while all my other brilliant tribe mates perked up the atmosphere with cheerings.
i really wanted to join them, but my heavy heart sank me down, and it seemed like an absolute chore just to get back on my feet again.