About the Author
At the first cutting light of August, many years ago, the world got the first glimpse of the entity known henceforth as
Leon Yip. It decided to douse the aforesaid with sunshine, sweets, and loads of love.
Legend has it, so convicting were his words, that upon his request, the world agreed to revolve around him, forever, and ever, and ever.
Posted on: Monday, April 09, 2007
Posted at: 11:45 PM
every one's posting such emotional, sad, depressing posts. cheer up guys and gals, like.. in about less than six short months (including one month of holidays..) everything will be more beautiful than ever! c'mon! lets motivate each other.spread the cheer, don't go into the emo low self-esteem shit and let moodiness consume everyone who cares and are around you.
when you walk, through a storm, hold your heads up high.
and don't be afraid of the dark. i seriously can't wait for mid-years to be over and the holidays allow us to breathe and be uh.. humans again. to feel human emotions all over again. to pick up on lost tracks. to right my wrongs. to live again.
at the end, of a storm, theres a golden sky.
and the sweet silver song of a lark.i know everyone's been under alot of stress physically and mentally.. do take care guys.. i see strong people just dropping sick so frequently nowadays. its quite strange actually.
walk on through the winds, walk on, through the rain.
though your dreams be tossed, and blown..these minor setbacks.i've had more than my fair share of em'. its nothing.right now whats bugging me is that my form in soccer is really really dipping. except for shooting..my game is complete rubbish nowadays.i'm also finally beginning to feel the pains of flat-footedness and how what begins as a slight ankle pain could be so bothersome.
walk on..walk on.. with hopes in your heart.i hope for many things.in my social life, fitness wise.. academically. its good to dream i guess, but be careful what you wish for. dreams are meant to be lived. just like, rules are meant to be broken. want something, go for it. it may seem impossible.. but join me!i'm also going for something, or many things which seems impostibuble.. just know guys, that..
-YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE-yours faithfully,
Leon Yip
(p.s:ejin's either gonna get 23 points L1R5, or 5 points L1R4 :p)
(p.s.s:i did 10 chin-ups!my new personal best.aiming for 15 by the end of the year)
(p.s.s.s:i'm also resoluting NOT to cut my hair till the end of the june hols.any prefects wanna help my cause?)